
Tuesday, May 10, 2011


yesterday is old man's birthday...i call him with a happy mood wishing him a happy birthday....but end up we had an argument and he said something which hurts me badly...

im really starting to wonder...after 20 over this what i it worth sacrificing so much just for my interest....

this is the second time im tearing bcos of my association...the hurt i seriously enough to kill me...i know he dont really mean to say it...but isnt there a saying that words say in a moment of heat always carries some truth in them....i can handle it if its anybody who say that to me...but why him??

im tired...really tired...tired of having to deal with all these...tired of the unfairness at times...perhaps i should just disappear for some time to cool myself down.

i've just send in a resume for a post which im really interested in...i hope i get the job...if they really recruit could be a good chance for me to leave this circle...i guess its really time that i let go...毕竟天下没有不散的宴席....pray hard for me that i get response from them

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Carol Seet


Proud to be an Aquarius ,
Born on 25th January ,
I'm a B+
Freelance Photographer .