
Monday, December 15, 2008

emo post

suddenly have the urge to write something after reading my friend's blog...

i find that human relationship are so the extend that if you mishandled just a little will still leave a crack....

is love really blind? not selfish but its kind? not jealous too? have been asking myself these questions ever since i came across this quote above...but...i do not many ppl can actually love un-selfishly,be kind to their partners and best is...dont even get jealous should there be any opposite genders flirting around...impossible right..

at times im wondering...why did god created human being into such complicated animals or is it the environment which causes all this complication...why did love turn into hatred? why did love turn sour? why was love expressed in the wrong way? why do we even love in the 1st place?

love is so sweet and so heart breaking...even though everybody know how love can create havoc in a person life...still...everybody opts for love...

what is the right way to love?.

i suppose...any love that are shown by hurt could be still love...its just shown in the wrong way....


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Carol Seet


Proud to be an Aquarius ,
Born on 25th January ,
I'm a B+
Freelance Photographer .